NANCY SMITH: contact

me & . . RUFUS !!!

just realized . . . knock knock !!

me & RUFUS TUREEN share a similar fascination for mysterious, dramatic creatures, all glamed up in . . mask-like white make-up,
and very BIG hair with lots of cascading ringlets.
except, while his ‘connect’ is focused . . boldly pantomiming 17-18th C. French courtiers, mine is half-way around the world, though very much in the same time period (1615-1868) but with the opposite sex, the women of the great Edo period Woodblock prints of japan.
and, though I also try to “lift the mask”, my pursuit is purely graphic, pencil or, pen & ink on paper, or more recently vellum.
but, at then end of the day, I believe we are both using these ‘attractions’ to find out more – about . . ourselves.
the elusive, infinite . . search / the never-ending story.

NANCY SMITH, self-portrait, ‘after Ukiyo-e woodblock print’.
early 1970s, Montreal. pencil.

detail, NANCY SMITH, self-portrait, ‘after Ukiyo-e woodblock print’.
early 1990s, NYC. pen & ink on vellum.

close-up / detail.


RUFUS TUREEN, ‘OLDE MAN’. solo performance, Essex Flowers, Nov 3, 2018