NANCY SMITH: contact


9 days into 2021 . . ?
& whaaaaaaaaa…………….
where’s . . . the turn-off switch ?

leaded colored glass / posted on IG Dec 26, 2020
image via IG @jonnycampolo

two different boots / two different colored hands ?
one body.
is it a stretch . . to say: a divided USA ?
vibrant, intense, but dysfunctional. or at least . . troubled. opaque.
apparently, if you read about the founding fathers, nothing much is . . new.

I’m thinking, for whatever that’s worth (!!),
it’s not the concept of ‘country’ per se /
it’s more . . human nature. and that’s nano/bio human nature as well: cells vs cells.
but I mean just generally, left all alone on an island, a person would prob hang themselves.
unless maybe they started star-gazing, making friends with the stars, or the fish / or making some kind of art.
it’s always . . war vs creation.
and then . . there was light.