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~DREW GILLESPIE . . ‘Wishing Well’

wishing you, WELL !!

DREW GILLESPIE, detail installation . .
“Drewy ‘Good Enough’ Andrews”, 202l.
multi-media installation in ‘The First Story: A Show about Twinning’.
presented by JAG Projects, hosted by Marinaro Gallery
up thru . . . Feb 28, 2021.

DREW GILLESPIE, detail install photo of his ‘Twinning’ installation.
image via Instagram @bobo_newyorkcity

such . . . a loaded image.
I’ve written about ‘wishing wells’ lately, specifically with regard to the big LED animated floor ‘cubes’ that LUKE MURPHY has been exhibiting.

this one is from his recent show at THE HOLE /
install photo via THE HOLE – ‘CUBED’.

to my mind, traditionally the phrase ‘Wishing Well’ was a symbol for deep inner reflection, a dive into the ‘personal’ unknown, and perhaps . . even a lucky dream come true.

Drew’s wishing well, is a lot more bizarre.
and yet somehow, in twisting out like this, the whole concept of ‘wishing well’ got twisted out too, but in a good form, and in a more outward . . narrative. I mean maybe his evil twin, aside /
‘wishing well’ ?
wishing YOU, well !!
in these politically fraught / mask wearing, global / deadly pandemic times.