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NOAH BECKER . . . !!
what, IF ?!!!!!

NOAH BECKER, perhaps best known as the publisher of WHITEHOT MAGAZINE.COM /

check out: WHITEHOT MAGAZINE on Instagram / @whitehotmagazine

has an even deeper passion: his own, art !!

he exhibited . . .
a wonderful, twisty narrative, dreamy, screaming painting . . this past Fall, that still – haunts me.
half self-portrait / half shout-out to the . . world.
and, which most definitely . . invoked the vast dark unknown, the unrelenting furies, the very possibly, and near, deep . . scary future / was it a dream ?
that settles on every one of us, in our deepest times.
not to mention: the ‘code’, and power . . of the color: RED.
and, the 3 horsemen / . . . of yore.

NOAH BECKER, ‘Three Figures’, 2021.
acrylic on canvas / 48 x 36 in.
image via FILO SOFI ARTS Instagram / @filosofiarts

it was part of a group show called, ‘What If . .’,
that was mounted by FILO SOFI ARTS, and ran Aug 25 – Oct 3, 2021.
the exhibit was curated by: KaPow & Gaboo / a curatorial & advisory team – founded by:
Gabrielle Dominique Aruta, (owner of Filo Sofi Arts), and Kourosh Mahboubian, (fine art dealer, and advisor).
note: the painting was placed strikingly, on a pink wall – of no small hue (!!)

see: FILO SOFI ARTS on Instagram / @filosofiarts

check out more: ‘What If . . .’ – FILO SOFI ARTS’ – website

‘What If . . .?’ / was a show – which asked us to . . “to consider whether the hypothetical and that which we imagine – might also be part of our reality.”

detail, NOAH BECKER, ‘Three Figures’.
image via FILO SOFI ARTS Instagram / @filosofiarts

detail, NOAH BECKER, ‘Three Figures’.
image via FILO SOFI ARTS Instagram / @filosofiarts

still intrigued, I asked Noah . . . last week, Nov 15 – 20, 2021:

1. What drives you to paint ?
his answer: “Sometimes trauma, but I’m learning to feed off of more healthy feelings. Most people create based on stress or trauma. I’m thinking more about love these days.”

2. Does this (red) painting have a message or narrative ?
his answer: “It’s about distorting nature and enhancing certain colors – so you find yourself in a painting. Nature is usually used more naturalistically. This piece has a naturalistic feeling even with the heightened aspects.”

3. Why is this painting red . . rather than say, blue ?
his answer: “It’s a heightened experience, so the viewer feels the work more electrically – within their subconscious.”

4. What’s your goal here, in this painting ? And/or in life in general ?
his answer: “Sometimes life feels like a waste of energy, and just a waiting period before death. Other times I’ll make something special like this painting, and my love, and excitement for life – is restored.”


NOAH BECKER, with his self-portrait, Lodge Gallery, Lower East Side, NYC.
Nov 7, 2013

NOAH BECKER, another self-portrait, this time / in conversation with: JEAN-MICHEL (BASQUIAT).
Lodge Gallery, Lower East Side, NYC.
Nov 7. 2013

see: NOAH BECKER – LODGE GALLERY, L.E.S. – artloversnewyork