NANCY SMITH: contact

~NIGO . . nails the WATER TIGER . . !! / revised edit

although WOOD – is the main element associated with TIGER, it’s metaphysical ‘spine’,
according to the 60 year ‘element’ cycle – 2022 is more specifically broken down again, element-wise / to the Year of the . . WATER TIGER !!
that is WOOD – augmented by Water, as opposed to say, fire.
which means . . a much more mellow, nourishing tiger / as opposed to the fierce predatory one. the strength is still there, but it is ‘tempered’ towards providing protection, it’s a nuance. the focus is still on getting things down / but catching that prey, channels into – less emphasis on killing, and more emphasis on feeding.
water provides wood with growth / seeds to trees, flowers / and, then in turn – the fully grown, thriving, wood provides the wooden boat, that travels the water.

thinking on horoscopes, and the ‘power of a thought-pattern’ that can be derived / from a simple visual hand-drawn image / of a zodiac animal (!!) / leads one to understand – just how primal the human instinct for art, is.
it’s not just the science / it’s the . . magic.
yin yang / another great Chinese concept.

unlike Dr. HENRY LEWIS GATES / & his ‘Finding Your Roots’ /
which is fascinating, don’t get me wrong . . .
the artist in all of us knows, on some deep level: 100% of who you are – is not – just your . . DNA / unless there’s ‘bio-codes’ – in that DNA, for ‘otherworldly’.
it’s practically, or essentially ‘documented’ / that with every great scientific leap, there is a huge popular movement towards contacting the dead through spiritualist / mediums !!
it’s a dang strange universe – that’s for sure.

which brings us back to: the power of a dang good ‘creative’ / visual image !!

NIGO . . born 1970, an internationally famous Japanese fashion trend maker / bold graphic designer, and just a mighty, good all-around / pop culture icon / who is probably, if Wikipedia is your only source / widely known for founding Bape / A Bathing Ape, in the ‘creative’ world, he’s now more famous for creating – the current / hipster brand: HUMANMADE.
and, has nailed . . . the Water Tiger, just by giving it, a ‘wink’ . . . !!!!

this Water Tiger . . is not out to eat you – but, to GREET YOU !!!!

NIGO . . . ‘Water Tiger’ / note: the ‘wood’ housing.

NIGO . . . ‘Water Tiger’ / with HUMANMADE branding

images via Instagram @NIGO (official)

FOLLOW: NIGO on Instagram / @NIGO (Official)